sslTunnel document

sslTunnel is free software used to secure traffic running between a TCP client and server. It is designed to work as an SSL encryption wrapper, encrypting the messages using TLS/SSL and allowing for secure communication without changing the program running on either side of the TCP connection.

ssltunnel topological graph


Command line

Configuration file

# sslTunnel configuration file.
# The user who starts ssltunnel must have read permissions to the file. The user set below to run
# ssltunnel does not need any permissions on this file. Usually use the root user to start the
# ssltunnel, so set the owner and group of the configuration file to the root user, and set its
# permissions to 400.

    # Specifies a user to run the service as. If the --foreground option isn't specified, ssltunnel
    # will fork a new process with the user after running, and then terminate the current process.
    # The user does not need to have any permissions on this configuration file, certificate files,
    # and certificate private key files.
    "user": "ssltunnel",

    # Specifies a group to run the service as. If the --foreground option isn't specified, ssltunnel
    # will fork a new process with the group after running, and then terminate the current process.
    "group": "ssltunnel",

    # The tunnel definitions
    "tunnels": [

        # First tunnel definition

            # Listening settings:
            # - When used as a ssl tunnel server: Listen for ssl tunnel client connections.
            # - When used as a ssl tunnel client: Listen for connections from downstream application
            #   clients.
            "listen": {

                # Tunnel listening address (supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address, blank indicates
                # all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The square brackets are not needed for IPv6).
                "address": "",

                # Tunnel listening port.
                "port": 4120,

                # Server certificates.
                # - When used as a ssl tunnel server: Specifies the server certificates in order to
                #   listen for encrypted incoming connection from ssltunnel client. If multiple
                #   domain names are allowed to be used to connect to the server, a certificate
                #   needs to be specified for each domain name (general domain name certificates and
                #   multiple domain names certificates can also be used).
                # - When used as a ssl tunnel client: Don't specify the server certificates in order
                #   to listen for unencrypted incoming connections from application clients. The
                #   remaining listening settings ("client-auth", "client-verify", "ca", and "custom")
                #   will be ignored.
                "certs": [

                    # First certificate.

                        # The path to the certificate file, or the path to the full certificate
                        # chain file (if it is a relative path, it is based on the directory where
                        # the configuration file is located). The user who starts ssltunnel must
                        # have read permissions to the file. The user set above to run ssltunnel
                        # does not need any permissions on this file.
                        "cert": "...",

                        # The private key file path (if it is a relative path, it is based on the
                        # directory where the configuration file is located). The user who starts
                        # ssltunnel must have read permissions to the file. The user set above to
                        # run ssltunnel does not need any permissions on this file. Usually use the
                        # root user to start the ssltunnel, so set the owner and group of the
                        # certificate private key file to the root user, and set its permissions to
                        # 400.
                        "key": "...",

                        # Specifies the pass phrase if the private key is encrypted,otherwise the
                        # user will be prompted for a pass phrase on starting the ssltunnel.
                        "passphrase": "..."


                    # Other certificates.


                # Determines the server's policy for TLS client authentication.
                #  - no:       Indicates that no client certificate should be requested during the
                #              handshake, and if any certificates are sent they will not be verified.
                #  - request:  Indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the
                #              handshake, but does not require that the client send any certificates.
                #  - any:      Indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the
                #              handshake, and that at least one certificate is required to be sent
                #              by the client, but that certificate is not required to be valid.
                #  - optional: Indicates that a client certificate should be requested  during the
                #              handshake, but does not require that the client sends a  certificate.
                #              If the client does send a certificate it is required to be valid.
                #  - verify:   Indicates that a client certificate should be requested during the
                #              handshake, and that at least one valid certificate is required to be
                #              sent by the client.
                "client-auth": "verify",

                # Determines how the server verifies client certificates:
                #  - cert: Only verify the end-entity (leaf) client certificate against a certificate
                #          specified in "ca" below.
                #  - ca:   Verify the client certificate chain starting from the root CA.
                "client-verify": "ca",

                # Certificate Authority files, specifies one or multiple certificates, to be used
                # to verify client certificates. If a relative path is used, it is based on the
                # directory where the configuration file is located. It's required if "client-auth"
                # above is set to "optional" or "verify". The user who starts ssltunnel must have
                # read permissions to these files. The user set above to run ssltunnel does not need
                # any permissions on these files.
                # - When "client-verify" above is set to "cert": Specifies all end-entity (leaf)
                #   client certificates here. Multiple certificate files can be specified, each file
                #   can contain multiple end-entity (leaf) client certificates.
                # - When "client-verify" above is set to "ca": Specifies the issuing certificate
                #   chain starting with the root CA certificate for all client certificates.
                #   Multiple certificate chain files can be specified.
                "ca": [

                    # First certificate file or certificate chain file.

                    # Other certificate file or certificate chain file.


                # Custom configuration. See Customized configuration.
                "custom": "..."


            # Connection settings:
            # - When used as a ssl tunnel server: Connect to the upstream application server.
            # - When used as a ssl tunnel client: Connect to the ssl tunnel server.
            "connect": {

                # Destination address for connection. It can be an IP address (both IPv4 and IPv6
                # are supported, and the square brackets are not needed for IPv6.) or a domain name.
                # If the connection destination is TLS/SSL server, the domain name generally needs
                # to be specified here, otherwise a domain name needs to be specified in the
                # "server-name" below so that the server provides an appropriate certificate.
                "address": "",

                # Destination port for connection.
                "port": 3690,

                # Connection timeout (seconds), its default value is 10 seconds.
                "timeout": 10,

                # Specifies whether the connected server is an TLS/SSL encryption server. If it is
                # set to false, the remaining connect settings ("server-name", "certs", "server-verify",
                # "ca", and "custom") will be ignored.
                # - When used as a ssl tunnel server: Set to false in order to connect to the upstream
                #   application server.
                # - When used as a ssl tunnel client: Set to true in order to connect to the ssl tunnel
                #   server.
                "tls": true,

                # Specifies the server name indication extension sent by the client. the value of
                # "address" above will be used if it isn't set. It's required if the "address" is set
                # to a IP address, and it must match least one server certificate.
                "server-name": "",

                # Specify the client certificate if the server needs to verify the client
                # certificate.
                "certs": [

                    # First certificate.

                        # The path to the certificate file, or the path to the full certificate
                        # chain file (if it is a relative path, it is based on the directory where
                        # the configuration file is located). The user who starts ssltunnel must
                        # have read permissions to the file. The user set above to run ssltunnel
                        # does not need any permissions on this file.
                        "cert": "...",

                        # The private key file path (if it is a relative path, it is based on the
                        # directory where the configuration file is located). The user who starts
                        # ssltunnel must have read permissions to the file. The user set above to
                        # run ssltunnel does not need any permissions on this file. Usually use the
                        # root user to start the ssltunnel, so set the owner and group of the
                        # certificate private key file to the root user, and set its permissions to
                        # 400.
                        "key": "...",

                        # Specifies the pass phrase if the private key is encrypted,otherwise the
                        # user will be prompted for a pass phrase on starting the ssltunnel.
                        "passphrase": "..."


                    # Other certificates.


                # Determines how the client verifies server certificate:
                #  - skip: Don't verify the server certificate, the setting "ca" below will be ignored.
                #  - cert: Only verify the end-entity (leaf) server certificate against a certificate
                #          specified in "ca" below.
                #  - ca:   Verify the server certificate chain starting from the root CA.
                "server-verify": "ca",

                # Certificate Authority files, specifies one or multiple certificates, to be used
                # to verify server certificate. If a relative path is used, it is based on the
                # directory where the configuration file is located. It's required if "server-verify"
                # above is set to "cert" or "ca". The user who starts ssltunnel must have
                # read permissions to these files. The user set above to run ssltunnel does not need
                # any permissions on these files.
                # - When "server-verify" above is set to "cert": Specifies the end-entity (leaf)
                #   server certificate here.
                # - When "server-verify" above is set to "ca": Specifies the issuing certificate
                #   chain starting with the root CA certificate for the server certificate.
                "ca": [

                    # First certificate file or certificate chain file.

                    # Other certificate file or certificate chain file.


                # Custom configuration. See Customized configuration.
                "custom": "..."



        # Other tunnel definitions



Custom configuration

In the configuration file, you can optionally specify custom configurations for each tunnel's listening settings and connection settings separately. The custom configuration value is a string that can contain multiple setting items separated by semicolons. Each setting item includes a name and a value separated by colons. For example:

"custom": "MinVersion: tls1.2; CipherSuites: RSA-RC4_128_SHA,ECDHE_RSA-RC4_128_SHA; CurvePreferences: P256; SessionTicketsDisabled: true"

Available setting items include:


